
Wednesday 14 May 2014

Some thoughts on Proxmox and some linux partitioning

Proxmox turned out to be a nice virtualization option. Аt first glance it seems to me that the resources thanks to open-vz are accumulated very well.

After you install you can access the virtual infrastructure here:

One other thing is that I had to add another partition to the virtual environment

List all hard drives:

sudo parted /dev/sdb <- your device here
mklabel gpt
mkpart ext3 2048s -1s

sudo partprobe -s /dev/sdb
sudo mke2fs -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 -L "label"  
sudo tune2fs -c0 -i0 /dev/sdb1
sudo mkdir /media/partition
sudo chown root:root /media/partition
sudo chmod 777 /media/partition

add an entry in fstab

 /dev/sdb1 /media/partition ext3 defaults 0 0

and then sudo mount -a to refresh fstab.

One other thing is that the PC I installed it on did not have 64 bit virtual support, which generally is bad - not to say stronger words. Anyways I had to use templates on the proxmox because for some reason I was not able to install Ubuntu Server actually even with the template. Turnkey which is Ubuntu based was installed!? Anyway it is 32 bit and doesn't need 64 bit virtualization, but as it seems there was some issue so I was forced to install a CentOS although I wanted my environment to be as homogeneous as possible.

One other notable thing is the networking - it seems some templates pass the dhcp from my router and that the templates are configured to accept those and some as CentOS template had to be set? I set my network settings at a gateway level - so this a bit annoyed me. But you can set your networking settings through the web interface and I did not know that :D

So just dig in the gui you will find the network settings - don't do this. I did it the hard way:
ifconfig eth0 <ip> netmask <mask> broadcast <broadcast> 
route add default gw <gw ip>

Don't forget to set the DNS.

Conclusion: It's Ok to be used for 32-bit Linux based systems with the default templates. 
